Purpur bøn

Purple plea

Purple plea

Plastic sunset
turn to purple dawn
and be free
turn to happiness
look into your soul with care
Plastic sunset
turn to purple dawn
row across the silet ocean
run the silent run
escape the killmaschine
walk into insanety
and come back again
and be my friend
Plastic sunset
turn to purple dawn
meet me beyond time and space¨
greet me without words
and I will show you
the road to sub city
and you will be wellcommed
by the purple people
the purple people
the purple people
Beauty is waiting for you
the purple people too
love is waiting for you
the purple people too
truth is waiting for you
and you are waiting too
C’mon plastic sunset
turn to purple dawn

On Stoned Island,
home of the hunted,
permanently peacefull,
far from the vampire skull,
far from the empty head,
far from the living dead,
the purple people live..
..beneath the surface.
Meet you there..
Greet you there..
Velvet vulcano waiting
to exhaust the purple revolution.

Subcity = Atlantis


står ved breden
af purpurhavet,
på et fremspring af lava,
violet lava,
under en besynderligt blå himmel,
klædt i solopgangens farver,
kommunikerer med de yderste yderpunkter..
Hendens navn er Bodil.
spinder en ulden verden
på sin sinds-rokke,
der er dekoreret med snørkler.
En verden
af de smukkeste frugter,
de skønneste blomster,
de særeste dyr
og Lsd-gobbler
i vanvittigt intense farver.
Hun lever tæt på virkeligheden.